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Thank you to our


Hearing Our Way magazine is grateful to all of our generous supporters

who help empower young people with hearing loss by supporting our publication,

sharing their products & resources, and partnering with us to achieve a shared goal of

creating the next generation of confident young self-advocates with hearing loss. 


Interested in advertising with us?

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Brand Awareness

Share your message with our audience of

young people with hearing loss, their families,

and the teachers, audiologists, doctors, and organizations who support them.

Your brand can become a household name.

Highlight Your Campaign

Our team can assist in bringing your

campaign to life by incorporating your media seamlessly into our

seasonal, theme-based content. 

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Sponsored Content Opportunities

Do you have a young customer,

alum of your school or organization,

or patient whose story you wish to highlight? 

We will work with you to bring your

sponsored content to life.

Our Niche Audience,
Your Products

Have the perfect product for kids and teens with hearing loss, their parents, and professionals? 

We have the perfect audience for you. 

Enhance your offering with special discount codes,

free shipping, and more!

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