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The Magazine for Kids and Teens with Hearing Loss

and the families and professionals who support them

INSPIRING role models
on every cover!
"He has hearing aids, just like me!"

Created by a Teacher of the Deaf
Inspired by family members with hearing loss
Language + Auditory + Self-Advocacy
Strategies in EVERY issue

All the FUN content kids LOVE!
With embedded educational tools parents & teachers want...
like jokes to teach figurative language!
A new idiom in every issue - instant lesson plan!

Celebrating hearing loss
in the news... never miss a story!
Our Impact
Hear All About It
Which subscription level is right for me?Hearing Our Way is available at a variety of quantities and price points to suit your needs. Please visit our SHOP page to continue your checkout process, or click here. If you have an existing subscription but need to make a change to your quantity and/or address, please email To update your payment method, please login to your account here. Yes, we accept Purchase Orders. Please email
My school/organization needs to use a Purchase Order. Do you offer PO subscriptions?Yes, we accept POs. Please email to begin your order.
How soon will I receive my first magazine?Hearing Our Way is a quarterly magazine delivered 4 times/year - Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter. DELIVERY SCHEDULE No matter when you sign up, your annual subscription will begin with the next drop date. Example: Sign up July 31st - First issue will be Fall, which arrives by September 1st. Cycle continues with Winter, Spring, and Summer, and renews the following July 31st. Example: Sign up August 31st - First issue will be Winter, which arrives by December 1st. Cycle continues with Spring, Summer, and Fall, and renews the following August 31st.
I have a student who would like to be featured in Hearing Our Way. What is the process?We are always looking for students to feature in Hearing Our Way! We accept all types of content, from short 'About Me' letters, to interviews, to creative writing, poetry, art, photography, and more! We are also open to all types of content submission. Professionals are also welcome to submit their ideas. In general for any submission, this is what we would need: 1. Confirmation of your active subscription. This can be a family subscription, school subscription, etc. 2. Parent permission for student's name/story/photo to be printed in Hearing Our Way. 3. At least one high res photo (feel free to send a few). Does not have to be professional. 4. Basic info needed: - name, grade, age, hometown, hobbies, family - hearing loss diagnosis, devices, education, communication - special talents, skills, hobbies, accomplishments, times you've overcome obstacles - anything else you think we should know! All of this can be easily submitted via our form or by emailing
My child/student was featured in Hearing Our Way, can I purchase extra copies?Yes, if we have extra copies of your child's issue remaining, we would be happy to mail them to you. We just ask that you cover shipping costs. Please email to make your request. It is best practice to request extra copies of your child/student's edition BEFORE it goes to print, to ensure we have extra copies for you. If your child's audiologist, teachers, school, local organization, etc. would also like extra copies of the issue, please be sure to get in touch with us in advance so we can account for these large orders.
My school/organization is hosting an upcoming event. Can you send us back issues to distribute to attendees?Yes, we love being a part of your workshops, conferences, and fundraisers. Hearing Our Way makes the perfect giveaway for welcome bags. Please email your request to and be sure to include the date of your event, number of magazines you are requesting, and mailing address. If we have enough back issues, we will be happy to send them. Hearing Our Way will not will not pay any additional insertion fees. If your student / school / organization was featured, and you want extra copies of a specific edition, please get in touch BEFORE the magazine goes to print to ensure we can accommodate your request.
I am looking for a list of articles about specific topics such as microtia. Where can I find that?We are working on compiling lists of specific categories so you can easily find what you're looking for. We've started with a helpful list of articles featuring kids with microtia/atresia, and we hope to add more lists soon! If you're looking for a specific topic, please email us at, and we will help point you in the right direction.
I submitted content but haven't heard anything yet.Once we have received your submission, it takes time for us to get back to you. We review each submission closely, and we often have a number of submissions waiting for review. You can expect a response within 1-3 months, but often sooner. You are welcome to send a follow up email to if it has been a few weeks. We appreciate your patience. Please note that if your content is selected, our average bookings run about a year out. This means if you submit your story in Summer 2023 and are selected, you may not be featured until Summer 2024 or later.
Is Hearing Our Way magazine for me?Hearing Our Way magazine is designed for children and teens with hearing loss, but the list doesn't end there! Our readers also include: - young adults and adults with hearing loss - parents, grandparents, siblings, cousins, and friends of children with hearing loss - teachers of the deaf, itinerant teachers, AVTs, SLPs, and other providers - school and public librarians, general ed and special ed teachers, school principals and districts - audiologists, ENTs, cochlear implant centers, children's hospitals - local chapters of hearing loss organizations such as Hands & Voices, HLAA, AGBell, & more - organizations and companies who support children with hearing loss Hearing Our Way is packed with fun, inspiring, and educational content in every issue. Listening, language, and self-advocacy symbols throughout the magazine highlight features that promote these skills. Hearing Our Way features people with hearing loss: - of all ages, from babies to adults - of all races, religions, ethnicities, and backgrounds - from all over the country and outside the United States - who use a variety of communication modes including spoken language, sign language, cued speech, and multi-language households - who have all types of hearing loss - including mild-to-profound, sensorineural, conductive, single-sided, and more - and who use all types of hearing devices, from no assistive devices to FM/DM only, to bone-anchored hearing aids, hearing aids, and cochlear implants. All are welcome to subscribe to Hearing Our Way, and anyone with an active paid subscription is eligible to submit content for consideration.
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